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Trump shortens in betting after Biden woes in Presidential debate

Trump backed heavily following presidential debate win against Biden
Donald Trump has firmed in betting with Australian bookmakers following Joe Biden’s horrow show display in the presidential debate on Friday morning.

Donald Trump has been crunched into a short-priced favourite to win this year’s US election against Joe Biden, following the first debate between the Republican and Democrat candidates.

While much of the attention prior to the debate at the CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, was on the format, it appeared to play into Trump’s hands, with it keeping him disciplined and on point.

The pair had been running close to even money with Ladbrokes prior to the debate, but from the midway point Trump was paying $1.57, with Biden drifting out to $3.40.

President Biden appeared to struggle to form full sentences and often rambled, which is an accusation usually levelled at his controversial opponent, who he defeated in the 2020 US election.

Many pundits are even calling for President Biden to stand down and be replaced prior to the November election, and this was also reflected in the betting markets, with California Governor Gavin Newsom backed from $15 into $11.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama is also getting some love from punters, having been backed from $22 into $20 with Australian bookmakers in recent days.

The candidates sparred over topics including inflation, national security and women’s rights.

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