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Tumbler heads for Sydney after Coast win

Talented mare Tumbler has earned herself a Sydney trip but not before adding to her trainer’s stress with her win on the Sunshine Coast.

Tumbler ($2.10) walked out of the barriers to be well back early on Saturday but found a split in the straight to beat Irish Constabulary ($4.20) by a half a head in the Handicap (1000m).

It was Tumbler’s seventh win in nine starts but along the way there have been problems ranging from a broken pelvis to hoof injuries.

But trainer Barry Lockwood has never lost confidence in his “aggressive miss”.

“She has so much talent but she is a handful. If she couldn’t gallop she wouldn’t be here,” Lockwood said.

“At least I can have a scotch and cola at night to settle my nerves. Even today she ended up where I didn’t want her near the fence but she was too good.”

Lockwood had hoped to get black type for Tumbler in the Brisbane winter carnival but she ran last in the Group Two Victory Stakes in April and was sent for a break.

“She just didn’t handle Eagle Farm that day and has had a little setback since,” Lockwood said.

“But she can have another start here and then head to Sydney for black-type mares races. We will work out exactly which races soon.”

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