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Racing Victoria awaits De Kock licence bid

Racing Victoria integrity boss Jamie Stier says there is a lot of water to go under the bridge before Mike De Kock is granted a licence to train in Victoria.

South African-based De Kock has indicated he would like to set up a stable at the Cranbourne training complex in partnership with his son Mathew.

He said he would maintain his South African stable ahead of expected changes to export regulations.

Stier said there had been no discussion with De Kock from either the integrity or licensing departments of Racing Victoria.

“We have followed what has been said in the media and to us at this stage it appears as a conceptual idea and that he’s exploring the opportunities available to him,” Stier told RSN927.

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“Once they arrive at a position and they get those various matters regarding visas, quarantine and the like sorted out, they’ll be in touch with us and we’ll work through the process with them then.

“I did note that he did in his own commentary emphasise his son and establishing him so we don’t even know whether it is Mr De Kock that will be applying for the licence or if it will be his son.”

Through his work overseas, Stier says he has known De Kock for 20 years and has no doubt he will contact Racing Victoria when the time is appropriate.

There has been discussion as to how De Kock, with his main training base in South Africa, could run a satellite operation in Victoria.

“I think we need to get an understanding of what he has in mind and then work out if that is tenable and whether it fits our racing environment,” Stier said.

“Whatever decision we arrive at will be for the Victorian racing environment and not a decision for Mr De Kock.”

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