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Godolphin in no hurry to appoint trainer

Godolphin Australia boss Henry Plumptre says the global racing organisation will not rush the appointment of a new head trainer to replace John O’Shea.

After confirming O’Shea’s resignation on Friday and the installation of Darren Beadman as interim head trainer in Australia, Plumptre said Godolphin would take its time to find the right person and dismissed suggestions James Cummings had been signed.

“If I had talked to anybody, I promise you we wouldn’t be going through this process of appointing (Darren) Beadman then going on with someone else,” Plumptre told Sky Sports Radio.

“The point is Beadman’s in place to give us some breathing space to make the right decision.”

Plumptre said he and Beadman had discussed the situation at length and both agreed he was not ready for the full-time tole.

A former champion jockey whose career was ended by serious injuries after a fall in Hong Kong, Beadman was O’Shea’s right-hand man for his three-year tenure.

“I asked him if he’d like to step up and take the reins and he’s stepped up and relished the task,” Plumptre said.

“We both agree he’s not ready for (full-time) at the moment. Darren’s very pragmatic about that. Maybe in three or four years time he might be.

“We took Darren Beadman on because of the intellectual property he has in his head. He’s worked with some of the greatest trainers across the globe. He’s worked with Bart Cummings, he’s worked with John Moore, he’s worked with John Hawkes. He’s just a very, very accomplished horseman.

“I think what we have to do with Darren over the next few months is to unlock that intellectual property he has in his head. I have absolutely no doubt that he has what it takes to step up and do this job.

“If it takes us two months to find a replacement, he’ll be able to do it. If he’s still in place when we kick off spring carnival, I’ve got every confidence that he and his team will be able to turn the horses out as competitive as ever.”

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